How to delete skype account forever
How to delete skype account forever

So, there is enough time to consider the decision, and if you think that you don’t want to delete this service for good,you can reactivate it within a couple of moments, and everything will be restored. For 60 more days it will remain alive, only marked for deletion. Performing all the above steps won't make this service disabled immediately. How to disable the Skype account and restore it later? Now you'll need to wait until it will be removed permanently. That's all, you've expressed your wish to delete it, and it's been received. Specify the reason why you want to stop the service.Checkmark all the boxes to confirm that you've read, understood and accepted the consequences of doing that.Read the information and the warnings and click Next if you still want to delete it completely.Then, get your identity verified (you'll be asked to enter the code sent to your mobile phone).It will ask you to log in (check your credentials to make sure they are correct).At the Manage section on the right, scroll down to Close your account option. How do I cancel the Skype maintenance permanently? Still, if it's OK, you have already saved all the things and you stick to the decision to get rid of that service, it will be easy to delete it. Just keep this in mind before you go further. And that means that if you cease your Skype activity completely, it will also remove your access to every Microsoft product or service associated with it, erase all your old data and emails, block access to certificates and exam results, which is especially awkward if you have important data in OneDrive or Outlook. To deactivate Skype account is easy enough, but here another problem lies: it is the same as your general Microsoft identifier.

How to delete skype account forever